Was Your Loved One Abused in a Florida Nursing Home?
Do you suspect that the negligence of a nursing home caregiver resulted in serious personal injury for your elder loved one?
We are the full-service personal injury, medical malpractice and nursing home abuse law offices of De Varona, Arango & Weinstein in Miami and Hollywood, Florida. If you feel that your senior relative or close friend is being mistreated, contact us.
Our skilled attorneys, and our investigators, get to the bottom of nursing home abuse cases as swiftly and efficiently as possible. We hold accountable the owners and managers of Florida nursing homes. We identify the offenders, expose the offenses and advocate aggressively for your relative and your family.
Evidence of nursing home abuse does not lie. Relatives and loved ones of nursing home residents should be watchful for these signs of possible neglect or abuse:
- Bedsores
- Unexplained bruises, contusions or abrasions
- Mysterious infections
- Frequent falls from a bed, on steps or stairs
- Incorrect or missing medication
- Malnutrition
- Dehydration
- Unsanitary conditions
- Reluctance to report caregiver offenses
Infirm or disoriented nursing home residents may not know what is happening to them — all the more reason for visitors to monitor quality, frequency and effectiveness of care. If you see any of these signs of abuse or neglect, contact the lawyers at De Varona, Arango & Weinstein right away.
Our attorneys can meet you at our law offices, your home or office, or the nursing home in question. Our first goal is to determine if you have a case, so time is of the essence. Your loved one’s life could be at stake.
Successfully Representing Florida’s Injured Seniors Since 1980. Call Today.
You can call us in Miami or Hollywood at 305-441-7400 or contact us by e-mail. After-hours messages are promptly returned. Se habla Espanol.